Improving Jersey’s customer experience through technology

Up to £500k in grant funding will be available through the CXTech Programme to local and global innovators who can develop and deploy technology-driven solutions aimed at enhancing customer experiences, productivity, and efficiency across Jersey’s retail, tourism, hospitality, and logistics sectors.

The funding will be granted on a 50/50 match funding basis, making the total potential impact of the programme £1m.

How It Works


7th Nov 2024

Application window opens at 7:00pm.


15th Jan 2025

Application window closes at 11:59pm.


18th Nov & 4th Dec 2024 & 8th Jan 2025

Virtual Application Clinics where applicants can speak to the Impact Jersey team.


15th - 17th Jan 2025

Eligibility Filtering takes place and all applicants are notified of whether or not they have passed.


24th Jan 2025

Filtered applicants will be invited to a pitch presentation, where they will discuss their project idea and receive constructive feedback.


27th Jan - 7th Feb 2025

Applicants who successfully pass the filtering and presentation stages will be required to complete a comprehensive project plan in this time period, using the lessons learnt from feedback on their presentations.


10th - 17th Feb 2025

Project plans will be passed to a panel of independent judges, who will review each in detail and score against the judging criteria.


Feb/March 2025

Winners will be announced in late Feb/March, after which grant agreements will be drafted and agreed with each applicant.


Spring 2025 - Spring 2026

Successful projects must commence within three months of funding and be completed within 12 months. Projects and delivery will be supported by the Impact Jersey team, with regular assessment against agreed milestones set out in the funding agreement.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicant Requirements:

  • Global participation: The programme is open to both local and international businesses, startups and innovators.
  • One application per company/individual: The lead applicant can only submit and lead one application per programme call.


Project Requirements:

  • Projects must leverage technology to enhance customer experiences (B2C or B2B) within Jersey and must do at least one of the following: 1. Go beyond basic website development or standard support services; 2. Focus on innovative solutions with tangible benefits; 3. Increase data collection and analysis to inform industry and policymakers.
  • Projects must demonstrate a clear intention to use project results to create a positive impact in Jersey and detail what the expected impact of the project would be.
  • Projects must be commenced within three months of the grant award.
  • Projects must be completed within 12 months of the start date for the project, as detailed in each grant agreement.
  • 50% match-funding must be secured from the applicant or a confirmed third party (i.e. for every £1 granted, the applicant contributes at least £1).A full policy on match-funding can be found here .
  • Project plans must include clarity on how they intend to adhere to the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018, due to the nature of many CX solutions containing customer data. Ownership/access rights to project-generated data will be defined on a per-project basis, depending on a variety of factors.
  • Projects must comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
  • No procurement, commercial, business development, or supply chain activity with entities from jurisdictions under sanctions (currently including Russia and Belarus) will be considered for funding.

Other Requirements:

  • Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs): Open to a range of technology maturity levels between TRL 3 and TRL 9. Anything lower than TRL 3 will not be reviewed.
  • Alignment with Government priorities: Ideally projects will align with broader government priorities (e.g. enhancing productivity).
  • Evidenced stakeholder engagement: Engage with relevant stakeholders in Jersey (e.g. specific companies, industry associations, customer groups).

Judging Criteria

Applications will be assessed by a panel of independent judges, appointed by Digital Jersey. The Judges will make recommendations of projects to fund to the Impact Jersey Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will then review these recommendations and approve successful applications (subject to completion of due diligence requirements).

All applications will need to demonstrate the following:

1. The Solution and Innovation (25%)
Quality of tech solution and the innovation it brings
Potential impact on the target market
Will it change the dial for Customer Experience in Jersey?

2. Stakeholder Engagement (10%)
Is the proposed solution being deployed in Jersey?
Has the project plan demonstrated stakeholder buy-in? If so, how?

3. Project Delivery (45%)
a) Project Plan and Timeline (20%)

Does the applicant detail a clear roadmap for deployment of the solution, including key milestones, deliverables and deadlines?

b) Leadership and Experience (10%)

Does the applicant demonstrate the leadership structure and operational experience to deliver a successful project?
Has the solution been deployed successfully in other jurisdictions?

c) Resource Management (15%)
Do financial resources seem well detailed and appropriate?
Does the application include plans for scaling and maintaining the solution beyond the initial funding period?
Have the grant stage payments requested been clearly set out and explained, aligned to appropriate delivery milestones?

4. Impact and benefits (20%)
Does the application demonstrate appropriate levels of benefits and scale?
Will the benefits be delivered in the 0 – 12 month window?
Does the application demonstrate how the benefits will be measured?


We wholeheartedly welcome both Jersey-based and global innovators to apply to CXTech.

However, under current restrictions, this programme will not fund any procurement, commercial, business development, or supply chain activity under sanctions with Russia or Belarusian entities, their associated entities, or any other entities directly affected by sanctions.

Furthermore, as sanctions guidance evolves, this programme will adapt its funding restrictions to align with the latest legal and regulatory developments, based on advice from appropriate authorities.

You must demonstrate either an ongoing collaboration or an intent to collaborate with an on-island individual or business, as a sign of your commitment to deploying the technology in Jersey.

No, the lead applicant can only make one application.

Proposed projects will ideally mobilise within three months of the award, and spend the awarded funds within 12 months of commencement.

You may still apply if this is not the case, but you must articulate clearly the anticipated timelines for the realisation of benefits for your project, and how these will be measured in your application.

The sectors we are encouraging applicants to target with their projects are: Tourism, Retail, Hospitality, Supply chain, Transport, and Freight and Logistics.

We are considering the area of digital upskilling to be out of scope for this specific programme.

Any tech-based solutions must be able to shift the dial in regard to benefits, e.g. must be more than just a website or something that businesses should have been doing already.

The total pot is £500k, so you may apply to any amount equal to or lesser than this. We do not have a set number of projects we are looking to fund – this will depend entirely on the quality, scope, and nature of the applications we receive.

You should be able to demonstrate that the amount you apply for has been well-costed.

Match funding requirements mean winning applicants will be paid on the condition that 50% of the project funding is contributed by them or a confirming third party. We will seek firm evidence of this funding before confirming any grants.

The programme will target at least three experienced judges, and will seek to have two off-island and one from Jersey. This is to ensure that there is a wide range of skill sets and experience, as well as an understanding of Jersey and its local context.

Yes – CXTech is the third funding programme carried out by Impact Jersey. Click here to discover Open Programme 1, or click here to read about our ongoing programme, CareTech.

We cannot share opinions on your idea, but for help with any other matters regarding your application, you can get in touch with us via email at [email protected]

Applications are closed