Drone Emergency Services
Air Rescue Channel Islands Limited
The Project
This project looks to incorporate a volunteer-led drone team into each of the emergency services for activities including searching for missing persons, assessing emergency situations, and providing video footage.
The Impact
Recent incident data sadly indicates the importance of such a project and the potential for high impact across the following emergency services:
Police: Drones can help search for missing and vulnerable persons, the number one consumer of frontline resources. High-res, 3D digital twins of crash scenes can accelerate the re-opening of sites post-incident from hours – sometimes even up to 2 days – to mere minutes, by recording scenes for future investigation.
Coastguard: Drones with speakers can warn people attempting to return to shore on a rapidly rising tide to remain on dry land and await rescue. They can also use infra-red to search coasts and shorelines.
Jersey Fire: Drones can map scenes to help cliff rescues, as well as monitoring areas post-furze-fires to prevent re-ignition.
Additionally, as part of the project’s ongoing training schedule, trainees will work on a project mapping and monitoring the growth of seagrass – which captures carbon up to 35x faster than tropical rainforests – around the coasts of the Channel Islands.
The Grant
The grant amount for this project is £74,734.
Jersey’s Journey to Net Zero Carbon Project
William Church Consulting
The Project
This project looks to create a ‘living map’ of Jersey to demonstrate the island’s current carbon storing and future sequestration capabilities. A combination of digital satellite remote sensing and high-resolution aerial imagery will be used, with project data, analysis, and reports all to be stored by building an online, interactive dashboard.
The Impact
All stakeholders will be encouraged to access and use the dashboard, from the private to public to not-for-profit sectors.
Tangible data will be shared with Jersey’s residents, to bring them on the journey to collectively reduce carbon footprint, whilst also providing a holistic view that will enable more targeted future initiatives.
Long term, it’s hoped the project will support the health and wellbeing of islanders as well as the supply chain, by sharing insights that make it easier for the agricultural industry to develop sustainable food production.
The Grant
The grant amount for this project is £72,480.
Realtime Sensor IOT Project
Andium Homes, supported by IoT CI
The Project
This project will conduct a proof of concept to evaluate the feasibility of using sensors to collect data from its properties in order to improve resident health and safety, reduce maintenance costs, and help clients reduce carbon footprint.
Multiple sensors will be installed into each home for air quality, water quality, temperature and humidity. The project is also looking to put sensors across the drainage system of a development to pre-empt the risk of flood.
The Impact
With Andium Homes housing around 10% of the island’s population, a post-POC rollout would help a significant number of individuals reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills, and generally improve their own – and the wider – environment.
Sensors in communal areas will enable real-time monitoring of other aspects including flood risk.
The Grant
The grant amount for this project is £74,900.
Breathe Jersey
Thrive Jersey
The Project
Air quality monitoring has been inaccessible for most citizens and community groups as the reference-grade instruments currently used by governments are prohibitively expensive, and provide data over large areas which can contain huge variances within them.
The Breathe Jersey network will utilise more affordable, easy-to install air quality sensors, and combine the data with the Environment Department’s reference network to compensate for the lower accuracy.
The Impact
Data will be made open source and shared with government and other interested parties. Hopefully this will also inspire more people to get involved in driving data-driven solutions to community issues.
The project will help pinpoint more specific pollution hotspots, between current monitoring sites.
More real-time measurement will promote understanding of the impact of road closure schemes, cycling and walking campaigns, etc., which will enable faster community response and assist in education.
Corporate and Residential Mobility Platform
JEV (EVie)
The Project
This project sees EVie develop an advanced mobility management platform to give businesses, property managers and property developers tools for user onboarding, subscription management, travel gamification, and advanced emissions reporting of its vehicles – ultimately aiming to motivate people to use alternative methods of transport.
It will help companies who are currently encouraged – and will likely in future be required – to report and reduce their Scope 3 emissions, which include commuter and business travel.
The scheme will also help fulfil the needs of housing developments, who are being encouraged by local planning regulation to provide shared transport options for future tenants.
The Impact
The project’s aim is to reduce CO2 emissions from travel as well as support goals around reducing traffic congestion and enabling a greater choice of transport options for islanders.
With more travellers incentivised to use alternative transport methods, there should a reduction in Jersey’s carbon emissions from travel – which currently make up 42% of the total figure – as well as traffic levels.
The Grant
The grant amount for this project is £71,558.
Proof of Concept: Streamlining Risk & Insurance Management for Jersey’s Fiduciary Services Sector
Henry Burton, SPX Limited
The Project
This project involves developing and validating a proof of concept for a risk and insurance management platform for Jersey’s fiduciary services sector.
The platform would use AI to assess risk level and map this onto a fiduciary risk dashboard, reducing risks and protecting a share of the £1 trillion of client assets which Jersey has responsibility for.
The Impact
By helping Jersey’s fiduciary services sector to reduce risk and improve productivity, the platform aims to increase the attractiveness of Jersey as a place to do business, and with it the amount of foreign investment flowing into it – ultimately growing the economy and boosting a key sector.
The Grant
The grant amount for this project is £75,000.