CXTech Judge Q&A: Claire Boscq

CXTech Judge Q&A: Nikki Anderson

CXTech Judge Q&A: Rowan Lawson

Lifestyle Medicine Jersey Awarded CareTech Challenge Funding

Orchid Connect Awarded CareTech Challenge Funding

Good Boost Awarded CareTech Challenge Funding

First Round of ‘CareTech Challenge’ Projects Aim To Enhance Healthcare for Older Adults

Impact Jersey’s CareTech Challenge attracts high number of applications
Almost 70 applications were submitted from Jersey and further afield

Meet the Judges of the CareTech Challenge

CareTech Judge Q&A: Matt Johnson, LV Pharmacy

CareTech Judge Q&A: Andrew Frith

Navigating the TRL Zones: Your Fun Map to Technological Maturity

Breathe Jersey launches air quality monitoring systems across the Island

Impact Jersey to launch £2m CareTech Challenge to support ageing Island population

Meet the Successful Grant Recipients of Open Programme One

Meet the Judges of Open Programme One